Pink Boots collaboration Brew day 3/7/25
March 7th, 2025
A full day of brewing, eating, networking, and drinking craft beverages!
Dress: is casual - closed-toe + rubber-soled shoes are best. Wear something pink if you can!Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day 2025
Itinerary: March 7th, 2025 @ Prison City North Street Brewery
10:00am - Meet & Greet // Welcome Beers, Coffee, Snacks
Intro from Jackie - Pink Boots Society
Intro Audra
10:30am - Beer & Popcorn Tasting // Dawn
11:00am - Mead Tasting / Elaine, Combgrown Mead
11:30am - Wine Tasting / Shenoah, Treleaven Winery
12:00-1:00pm - Lunch - Beer & Lunch Pairings - Beeroness Recipes
1:00pm - Group Photos
1:30-2:15pm - Temperance Trivia
2:15 -3:00pm - Beer + Wine + Cheese // Jackie & Laura
3:00-3:30pm - Hop Activity
3:30-4:00pm - Beer & Dessert Pairing
4:00pm - Go downtown & check out all of the First Friday tastings + The Armory Speakeasy presents: Connie Fredericks-Malone // Jazz - 6-8pm
11:15 help mash out
12:15 15 minute hop addition
1:10 Add WP hops
1:40 take gravity/pH sample
We will be in the brewery - Dress is casual. Closed-toe, non-slip shoes, please.
Wear something pink if you can!
You are more than welcome to come and go whenever you need to throughout the day!
Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day® (CBD) is an international celebration of women and non-binary individuals in the fermented/alcoholic beverage industry — a movement to recognize the impact they have on our industry. Each year, registered teams brew beer and participate in Collaboration Brew Day, donating portions of the proceeds of their sales to help fund scholarships that support the Pink Boots mission to assist, inspire, and encourage the professional development and education of women and non-binary individuals in our industry. It is our largest, annual fundraising event.
A hat gets passed at the end of the event for TIPPING THE SERVICE STAFF - please bring some cash.